Thursday, 14 April 2016

Which paint brushes do i recommend?

A question i often get asked via you tube

"Hi which is the best brush to use"?

"Hi which roller sleeves do you recommend"?

Well it can be a difficult question to answer because i am a professional decorator i will pay a premium price for my tools simply because i want them to last and be robust enough for daily use.
For use in oil based painting tasks i need a firm bristle brush, i would therefore buy a Hamilton perfection pure bristle brush.
For a synthetic filament brush a Purdy monarch elite would be my weapon of choice
How much will i pay? i tend to buy box sets rather than single brushes as this offers good value its just common sense a five brush box set of Hamilton perfection brushes will cost around £26.00 a set like that would contain 1x 1"  2x 1.5" and 2x 2" brushes the combination of sizes can vary it a no brainer .Why try to buy cheap brushes that may look the part but will simply fall apart in use!
Brushes are expensive because of the components used IE stainless steel stocks do not rust and rot after a few months, wooden handles are suitable for vapour box storage and are comfortable they expand and contract keeping the connection between stock and handle tight.
good quality bristles (black china) are an expensive natural product and are hard to source according to a brush manufacturer raising hogs is an expensive business for Chinese farmers and bristles are a by product of the slaughter process of these valuable animals.
 Quality products cost a little more but its worth the extra investment why be disappointed after spending your hard earned cash?
Even if you only intend to use brushes a few times a year buying a good product, storing and cleaning your tools properly will give you years of use.
Personal choice is an important factor to mention as no two decorators would say the same or make the choices i might.
Gimmicks gizmo's and gadgets and trends to make painting easier I'm no Luddite i will try and enjoy trying new products i recently asked a brush manufacturer why they sell synthetic filament brushes in different colours and what is the difference between them?  there is no difference he said! its just branding and marketing so don't be fooled.

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